When you are going to work, you will have a certain dressing sense, because it’s a must to have a formal look in offices, even if it’s casual, you will wear jeans and a t-shirt. Nevertheless, office clothes can get dirty often because you frequently wear them and for other obvious reasons. However, cleaning them is also not very hard. All you should do is follow these tips to keep your office clothes clean.
Separating the clothes
Before washing your clothes, the first thing to do is to sort them into different piles. You should make these heaps based on colors, fabrics, and how dirty they are. It will prevent dye transfer and damage.
Read the care labels properly: The care labels are essential if you are doing laundry at home. These tags have the following details.
How to wash the clothes.
The required detergent.
Wash temperature and wash cycles.
A lot more.
Spot cleaning is recommended for stains: In the office, you are always in a rush, even when eating chutney or drinking coffee. The result is that it can spill and cause stains. Another stain in the office is a bloodstain caused by the hustle and bustle, which happens sometimes. These stains can spread over your shirt if you don’t treat them immediately. Here’s an easy method for the same.
Blot the color using a clean sponge or dry towel.
For effective results, you can even choose a dry cleaning service.
Cold water is the t-shirts’ friend: Experts recommend washing fabrics in cold water, mainly t-shirts. Here are the reasons why.
It maintains its sheen and softness.
Washing t-shirts in cold water also prevents shrinkage and color fading.
Avoid washing your jeans frequently
Frequent cleaning is one of the reasons behind the fabric of your jeans being ruined. Experts recommend never washing your jeans often; whether you are machine or hand washing, once a month is suggested.
Professional tip: Always turn your jeans inside out before washing them. It prevents color fading and any damage to the fabric.
Hand wash the delicate fabric: Machine washing can damage the elastic if the material is soft. In this case, you should hand wash your garment. For your information, here’s a list of delicate fabrics.
Most sheer fabrics.
Lace (including bobbin).
Silk, especially Rajshahi, embroidered, and tussar.
Don’t forget to use cold water.
Don’t forget to press your clothes after cleaning: Pressing comes in the aftercare of clothes. It’s a great way to give your clothes the following benefits.
Keeps the softness and sheen of the clothes intact.
Keeps your clothes free of wrinkles.
Keeps the collars straight as they should be.
Are these tips too much for you? Don’t have the time to do laundry? Then, I recommend searching for the bestLaundry Shop Near Me. In my opinion, Dhobilite offers top-qualityDrycleanservices.