It can be difficult to figure out just how much CBD you should take. Users report taking wildly different amounts and experiencing vastly different effects. If you were confused after making your first purchase from a CBD store, you’re not the only one. Unfortunately, there’s no simple answer to a question such as “how much CBD should I take?”.
CBD products typically come with guidelines for their usage. However, the effects you get will depend on your body weight, age, body chemistry, and overall health. Still, there are some general rules of thumb that apply and we’ll share some of them in this article.
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical compound that’s found in hemp and marijuana plants. It is used in edibles, oils, and other products because of its many purported health and wellness benefits. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is not psychoactive.
As research continues into the benefits of CBD, more and more potential benefits are being identified. It is often reported to bring about relief from several conditions, including:
How Much CBD Should I Take? Some General Guidelines
There’s no real consensus on how much CBD should be used for specific conditions and different people respond in different ways. If you’ve been googling “how much CBD to relax” or you want to know how to induce sleep or lower anxiety, you’ll come across many different suggestions.
Typically, people feel calmer and less stressed after taking 20 to 40 mg. Some people may need less and others need more. Meanwhile, if you’re wondering about the average or best CBD oil dosage for arthritis or other chronic pain, many people take 25 mg twice per day.
You may be asking “How many CBD gummies should I eat?” If you’ve never tried gummies before, you should start with one to five milligrams per ten pounds of body weight. If you weigh 120 pounds, you can take 12 mg and monitor the effects. If you don’t get the effects you expected after taking that amount for a couple of weeks, you can gradually increase the dosage.
CBD oils are popular, so you may be searching for something like “how many drops of CBD oil under tongue” or “how often can you take CBD oil under tongue”. Most people use 20 to 40 mg per day, but individuals who weigh less than 100 pounds or more than 200 pounds may need a little less or a little more, respectively.
Therefore, if you intend to use CBD oil, you need to consider CBD dosage by weight. Start with the lowest possible dose and increase in intervals of 5 mg if necessary after giving the product some time to work.
One way to calculate the amount of CBD you should take is to consider the following factors:
There are calculators online where you can simply plug in the values and find the recommended dose.
If you’ve never used CBD before, you should calculate for a mild effect. A general recommendation is to take one to five milligrams of CBD for ten pounds of body weight, and you can adjust this depending on the effects you want to get from CBD.
People often ask “can you take too much CBD oil?” A large dose of CBD oil won’t be life-threatening but it may cause some uncomfortable side effects such as drowsiness, loose stool, nausea, or dry mouth.
As you can see, there’s no easy way to answer the question of “how many milligrams of CBD should I take?”. There are numerous factors at play and no such thing as a “normal” dose. To help make dosing easier, you can use a CBD oil dosage calculator or just start with the lowest recommended dose and adjust accordingly. CBD can have a cumulative effect on the body. You may want to try a particular dosage for a few weeks to see if you reap the effects you seek.