Sidewalk Solutions for Tree Troubles: Navigating Urban Landscapes in Portland
Homeowners in Portland who have received notices from the city to repair their sidewalks due to tree root damage understand the contentious battle between trees and sidewalks in urban areas. Tree roots lifting concrete slabs can be a major headache, and the quotes from concrete contractors can be disheartening. Moreover, the prospect of having to repeat the repairs in a few years due to tree roots can be overwhelming. While there's no miracle cure-all solution to ease the pain, certain dos and don'ts can help address the issue more effectively.
What Not To Do When Dealing With Tree Roots Lifting A Sidewalk:
- Do Not Cut Tree Roots Without Approval: Never attempt to cut tree roots causing sidewalk damage yourself or allow your concrete contractor to do so without approval from the city arborist. Cutting roots without proper authorization can lead to permanent damage or even death of your street trees, and you may face hefty fines from the city. Marking an "X" on the top of the root, a popular but ineffective method, should also be avoided. Studies show that without other root control methods, sidewalks will typically lift again within five years after root pruning.
- Do Not Engage in Heavy Pruning or Use Growth Inhibitors: Avoid heavily pruning your trees or using growth inhibitors, as these measures are often expensive and fail to prevent root damage. Growth inhibitors can redirect energy from the tree's crown to its root system, further exacerbating the problem.
- Do Not Assume Concrete Replacement is the Only Option: Instead of automatically opting for concrete replacement, consider other alternatives like concrete grinding or patching. Consult concrete contractors who can present you with various options based on your specific situation.
- Do Not Delay Taking Action: If you receive a notice from the city, don't procrastinate. The extended time given by the city allows for proper arrangements, permitting, and execution of the necessary work.
How To Prevent Tree Roots From Lifting Sidewalks:
- Choose the Right Tree and Plant It Correctly: Prevention is key. Select tree species that are less likely to cause root problems with sidewalks in the future. Proper tree planting techniques can also help minimize the risk of sidewalk damage.
- Consider Root Barriers: Install root barriers when trees are young to direct root growth away from sidewalks.
- Assess Removing and Replanting: In some cases, it might be better to remove existing trees and replant them properly to avoid future sidewalk damage. Always seek approval from the city arborist before taking such action.
How To Repair Sidewalks Damaged By Tree Roots:
- Choose the Right Concrete Contractor: Selecting an experienced and knowledgeable concrete contractor is crucial in effectively repairing the sidewalk and preventing recurrence. Look for contractors willing to use various tactics such as using pea gravel to allow root expansion, reinforcing concrete with rebar, creating meandering sidewalks or cutouts to accommodate roots, and constructing slightly sloping sidewalks to accommodate root growth.
- Consider Rubber Sidewalks: Rubber sidewalks can be a long-term solution for repairing sidewalks or curbs that are lifting due to tree roots. They are as sturdy as traditional concrete but more flexible, reducing the risk of cracking over time.
When You Need Professional Help:
If your sidewalk has been damaged by tree roots and you require assistance, contact Urban Forest Professionals for a consultation. They offer experienced arborists capable of devising the best course of action to repair the sidewalk while addressing the tree and roots causing the issue. Their expertise can potentially save you from dealing with frequent tree root sidewalk repairs.