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Posted By Farha Roofing on 04/08/2022

Your Guide to Your Fall Roof Inspection

Your Guide to Your Fall Roof Inspection

Labor Day is just around the corner, which means another summer is coming to a close. While we are sad to see summer go, the Farha Roofing team of residential roofing experts, knows that our clients are certainly happy to be almost done with summer hail storms.

Summer hail storms can wreak havoc on our roofs, sometimes completely invisible havoc that is quietly threatening your entire roofing system. Before fall rain and winter snow comes rolling in, it is so important to get your roof inspected by a professional residential roofing team to ensure that your roof is in good condition and will be able to keep your family safe and dry through the colder seasons.

Below, the residential roofing contractors at Farha Roofing are sharing our guide to your fall residential roof inspection. Keep reading below and don’t forget to schedule your free inspection today!

Farha Roofing’s Guide to Your Fall Residential Roof Inspection

Why is fall a good time for a roof inspection?

Most roofing professionals highly recommend having your roof professionally inspected twice annually with early fall and early spring typically being good times to do so. Fall is a good time for a number of reasons, let’s get into them.

  1. Summer can be particularly harsh on your roof, especially in Denver, Wichita, and Kansas City where the summers are hot, the UV index is high, and hailstorms are prevalent. Choosing to inspect your roof after the extreme summer and before the extreme winter will help ensure that summer damage is detected and repaired before winter rolls around.
  2. Fall is also a good time to do roof repairs because the temperatures have cooled and your residential roofing specialists can safely work on your roof during the daytime, rather than waiting for the sun to set in the evening like we need to in the summer.
  3.  Fall brings routine and consistency that summer and the holiday season lack. Scheduling inspections and subsequent repairs in fall often ensures minimal disruption to your home life.

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