Plumbing systems maintained by pipe relining Sydney experts are essential for any home or commercial building, but they can also be home to some scary creatures. From snakes and rats to spiders and cockroaches, there are a variety of pests that can take up residence in your pipes and drains. Some of these creatures can cause serious damage to your plumbing, while others may simply be a nuisance.
Sewer creatures are not only a nuisance, but they can also cause serious damage to your plumbing. These pests can build nests in your pipes and block the flow of water, causing backups and flooding. In addition, they can spread disease by contaminating your water supply with their waste. If you suspect that you have sewer creatures in your home, it's important to call a plumber right away to get rid of them before they cause any further damage.
The following list talks about the most common creatures found inside plumbing.
Giant water bug
Giant water bugs are massive insects that can grow up to 4 inches in length. They're usually found near freshwater sources, such as ponds and lakes. While they're not aggressive, their large size and powerful jaws can be quite intimidating.
While it's unlikely to find a crocodile inside plumbing, it's not impossible. The aforementioned reptile was once found in a storm drain leading to Fearnley Creek, a spot that is sometimes used by children for swimming.
Snakes are often found in sewers and other dark, damp places. They're attracted to the rodents that live there, and can sometimes find their way into homes through plumbing. While most snakes are harmless, some species can be quite dangerous.
Lizards are another type of reptile that can find their way into plumbing. They're often drawn to the warmth of pipes and can end up being flushed down toilets or ending up in drains. If you see a lizard in your home, it's best to catch it and release it outside.
Frogs are often found near bodies of water, so it's not surprising that they sometimes end up in plumbing. They can enter homes through open doors or windows, and can even hop into toilets if they're left open. Most frogs are harmless, but some species can carry diseases.
Spiders are one of the most common creatures found in homes, and they can also end up in plumbing. They often enter homes through small cracks and openings, and can sometimes be flushed down toilets. While most spiders are harmless, some species can be dangerous.
Centipedes are long, slender creatures that can have dozens of legs. They're usually found in damp, dark places, such as basements and crawl spaces. While they're not harmful to humans, their bites can be quite painful.
Like centipedes, millipedes are long, slender creatures that have many legs. They're often found in damp places, such as gardens and mulch beds. While they're not harmful to humans, they can be a nuisance if they find their way into homes.
Earwigs are small insects that have pincers on their backsides. They're usually found in dark, moist places, such as under rocks and leaves. While they're not harmful to humans, their pincers can give a painful pinch if they're handled.
Ants are one of the most common pests found in homes. They often enter homes through small cracks and openings, and can sometimes be found in plumbing. While most ants are harmless, some species can sting or bite.
Cockroaches are one of the most notorious pests for good reason. They're attracted to dirty, cluttered places, and can sometimes be found in plumbing. While most cockroaches are harmless, some species can carry diseases.
Rats are one of the most feared pests, and with good reason. They're known to carry a variety of diseases, and can also cause damage to homes by gnawing on wires and pipes. If you see a rat in your home, it's best to call pest control for help.
Sewer creatures can cause a lot of problems for your plumbing system, but there are ways to prevent them from taking over your home. One of the best ways to keep sewer creatures out is to regularly clean your drains and pipes. This will remove any food or water sources that they may be attracted to, making it less likely that they'll take up residence in your plumbing. In addition, you can use traps and baits to catch rats, mice, and cockroaches before they have a chance to enter your home.
If you have a serious infestation, you may need to call a professional exterminator to get rid of the pests for good.