You probably think you know quite a bit about your home’s air conditioner. After all, it is one of the most used appliances in many households. However, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about ACs. In this article, we will clear up some of the most common air conditioning Canberra myths.
1. Bigger is better
Many people think that a bigger air conditioner will cool their home faster and more effectively. However, this is not always the case. In fact, an AC that is too big for your space can actually be less effective. If an AC unit is too large, it will cool the room quickly but then shut off before it has a chance to remove the humidity. This can leave your home feeling clammy and uncomfortable.
2. Leaving the AC on all day is more efficient
Another common misconception is that it is more efficient to leave the air conditioner on all day, even when no one is home. However, this is not true. It is actually more energy-efficient to turn the AC off when no one is home and then turn it back on about 30 minutes before someone is scheduled to arrive.
3. Closing vents in unused rooms will save energy
You may think that closing the vents in rooms that are not being used will save you energy. However, this is not the case. Your AC unit is designed to cool your entire home, so closing vents will actually make your AC work harder and use more energy.
4. Ceiling fans cool the room
Ceiling fans do not actually cool the room. They simply circulate the air, which can make you feel cooler. However, if you are using a ceiling fan in conjunction with your air conditioner, you should turn the fan off when you leave the room so that it does not circulate the cooled air.
5. Leaving the AC on all night is cheaper than running a space heater
Many people think that they can save money by leaving their air conditioner on all night. However, this is not true. Space heaters are actually more energy-efficient than AC units, so you will save money by using a space heater instead of running your AC all night.
6. All AC units are the same
You may think that all air conditioners are the same, but this is not true. There are different types of AC units, and each type has its own benefits and drawbacks. For example, central air conditioners are more energy-efficient than window units, but they are also more expensive.
7. You don’t need to maintain your AC unit
Many people think that they do not need to maintain their air conditioner because it is an appliance. However, this is not true. Just like any other appliance in your home, your AC unit needs to be maintained in order to function correctly. Regular maintenance will prolong the life of your AC unit and prevent costly repairs.
8. It is better to set the temperature lower and then raise it when you need it
Many people think that they should set the temperature on their AC unit lower than they need it and then raise it when they get home. However, this is not true. It is actually more energy-efficient to set the temperature at a comfortable level and then leave it there.
9. You should only use your AC when it is hot outside
Many people think they should only use their air conditioner when it is hot outside. However, this is not true. Your AC unit will work harder to cool your home if the temperatures are cooler. So, if you are not home during the day, you should turn your AC off so that it does not have to work harder than necessary.
10. The AC is the only appliance that uses electricity
Many people think that the air conditioner is the only appliance in their home that uses electricity. However, this is not true. Your refrigerator, washer, and dryer all use electricity, so you should unplug them when they are not in use. By doing this, you can save money on your electric bill.
11. It is better to open the windows when it is hot outside
Many people think they should open the windows when it is hot outside. However, this is not true. Opening the windows will actually let the hot air inside and make your AC unit work harder. So, you should keep the windows closed when it is hot outside.
12. You should not use your AC if you have allergies
Many people think that they should not use their air conditioner if they have allergies. However, this is not true. The AC unit will actually help to filter the air and remove allergens from your home. So, if you have allergies, you should use your AC unit.
13. The AC is bad for the environment
Many people think that air conditioner is bad for the environment. However, this is not true. The AC unit actually helps to improve the air quality in your home. So, if you are concerned about the environment, you should use your AC unit.
There are many myths about air conditioners that people believe. However, the truth is that air conditioners are actually very beneficial to your home. If you use your AC unit correctly, you can save money on your electric bill, improve the air quality in your home, and prolong the life of your AC unit. So, if you have an air conditioner, make sure you are using it correctly.