Buy litecoin with PayPal. In BitValve you can buy Litecoin (LTC) using your PayPal funded account. Buy litecoin instantly, securely and fully anonymous
How to buy Litecoin with PayPal
In BitValve P2P Crypto Exchange you can buy ltc with paypal Balance. Initially, find a trusted Litecoin seller by browsing through the available Offers. Once you find such Listing, take some time to go through the Description of the offer, in case the crypto seller has some requirements such as the Paypal Currency he accepts. Then, proceed and start the trade. You must wait until the Litecoins are put in Safe Escrow. Then you need to login to your PayPal account and initiate the payment to the LTC Seller’s email address. Make sure that the Email address is correct and that the amount is the exact one. Once you have completed the PayPal transfer, please mark the trade as Paid. Once the LTC Seller has received the PayPal funds in his balance, he must release the coins. Then the trade completes and you have successfully bought Litecoins with Paypal. You shall see the crypto credited in your BitValve Wallet immediately
With BitValve P2P Crypto Exchange you can buy and sell your favourite cryptocurrency, with over 300+ payment methods, from anywhere in the world. BitValve guarantees the safety of the transaction, by acting as a safe escrow, until both parties have completed the trades. Check out the Marketplace and start trading in seconds!