Facial fillers Sydney | Anti wrinkle treatments by Plastic surgeon Dr Simone
If you’re serious about anti-ageing, starting with small amounts of filler as you lose volume, gradually is the best way to maintain a youthful appearance.
Whilst anti-wrinkle injections are offered by almost every corner shop spa, they can have serious side effects if wrongly injected. Some of the most obvious work out there is not even surgery, its poorly done facial filler and other injectable anti-wrinkle treatments.
Get your anti-wrinkle treatments carefully tailored by a plastic surgeon that has the full range of treatments; filler is not suitable for all problems.
What is facial filler made from?
The most commonly used facial fillers are those made up of a naturally occurring substance in the body, hyaluronic acid. It is a type of type of polysaccharide and found extensively in connective tissue. It binds water and can be thought of as the body’s internal moisturiser.
Other fillers can be permanent or semi-permanent (only part of the compound dissolves). Whilst these have some limited applications, the risk of irreversible side effects is too great to justify regular use in the face.
How does filler work?
When injected under the skin, filler draws water in, and by doing so, smooths out wrinkles and gives an appearance of fullness at the site of injection. Its injection also has been shown to increase the body’s own endogenous production of collagen. This means over time, less filler is required upon re-injection.
It is an absorbable filler and depending on the viscosity of the particular product, it can last anywhere from 6 months to up to 2 years in certain areas.
Which hyaluronic acid filler is best?
Dr Matousek only uses brands she has over 10 years experience with. These are tried and tested brands with years of safety data. Not all hyaluronic acid is created the same. It can take years to know if a product works and does not cause reactions.
There are various formulations designed to be injected in different parts of the face; they vary in their density. Some are designed for deeper placement, others more towards the surface.
Is filler injection painful?
For comfort during injections, Dr Simone organises strong topical local anaesthetic cream to be applied for about an hour prior to injection.
Fillers themselves are formulated with local anaesthetic added, so injection is well tolerated and is essentially painless after the first few injections.
How long does filler last?
Due to its collagen synthesising effect, a filled area will never truly go back to zero. There is always some residual effect.
Although it is non-permanent and eventually absorbed by the body, and reinjection is likely to be required in the future, it is a far safer option than some of the permanent fillers on the market. In many sites however, it can last 2 years.
If I don’t like my filler can I dissolve it?
The advantage of non-permanent filler is that there is a substance available to immediately dissolve any lumps if they form. The sooner this is injected before any skin remodelling takes place, the better.
Dr Matousek has successfully dissolved fillers that have been injected elsewhere and subsequently reinjected the filler again.
Although rare, if a reaction were to occur with hyaluronic acid filler, dissolving it as soon as this occurs can minimise any significant problems.
Why are permanent fillers (except fat injection) not recommended?
Permanent fillers carry the risk of irreversible complications that outweigh the benefits of not requiring repeat injection. These include lumps under the skin known as granulomas which are caused by chronic inflammation in an area, and can potentially become infected and need surgical removal. This can lead to permanent scarring and a distorted appearance therefore, Dr Simone does not typically offer permanent fillers.
What should you do before filler injection?
To minimise downtime, all blood thinners that can increase bleeding and bruising should be stopped for 10 days. These include aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and fish oil all of which can make bruising worse. Some herbal or over the counter medications can have additives which cause bleeding.
How much downtime will I have?
Most people only have mild swelling and bruising following injection, which settles in a few days. The degree of bruising and swelling can be somewhat unpredictable, so it is better to plan filler injections with a few days of recovery time. The majority of individuals are able to go out in public the next day, however, some areas may bruise more than others. Sites such as the tear trough and lips can have a slightly longer settling time as do sites requiring needling.
Are facial fillers now replacing surgery?
Many people have been put off having injectables due to the strange appearance of certain individuals in the media. Poor placement and excessive volumes of filler can lead to “pillow face” or “trout pout” whist over-injection of muscle relaxing agents can lead to a mask-like face or “Dr Spock brow”. You can follow @drsimoneplasticsurgeonsydney where Dr Simone analyses reasons for poor injection results.
This distorted appearance is avoidable with correct injection technique and if only small amounts of product are used and tailored to the individual’s needs. In many areas, it is advisable to space injections and do two sessions a few weeks apart to avoid the risk of looking overdone. In the case of filler, the product does draw water into the area over the few weeks following injection, which can be variable.
I’m scared it’s my first filler injection?
For first timers, Dr Simone will only inject what you are comfortable with, particularly in the lips. You can have a small amount initially and then come back in a few weeks when you feel less scared of becoming a pillow face!
What about the liquid face lift?
This is a commonly used term when several vials of filler are injected all over the face. This can work for people with significant volume loss. but should not be a substitute for a proper facelift when required.
Filler does not have significant lifting capacity; if there is significant sagging skin, a facelift is required.
Inappropriate use of these products as a substitute for an area which would be better served by surgery can lead to a bizarre appearance where the person looks different rather than youthful. Visit our website for more information https://www.drsimonematousek.com/filler-injection-sydney/