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Posted on 07/13/2023 in Category 1

How Kundli Dosha Can Affect Marriage?

How Kundli Dosha Can Affect Marriage?

We often hear people blaming kundli doshas for various issues or delays in marriage. What are these kundli dosha? Do they only affect our marriage or have negative implications on other aspects of life as well? 

What is Kundli dosha?

Our birth chart has specific planetary combinations which give us good or bad results. Now, the astrological combinations giving auspicious results are called yoga, while the astrological combinations giving negative results are called dosha in the kundli. Different doshas are associated with different aspects of life, including marriage. When a dosha specifically affects marriage in a Kundli, it can potentially impact various aspects of the marital union.

Common Kundli dosha affecting married life  

Mangal Dosha (Mars Dosha): Mangal Dosha occurs when Mars is placed in certain positions in the birth chart, most commonly the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house. It is believed that this dosha can create marriage challenges, leading to conflicts, misunderstandings, or even disruption in marital harmony. 

Nadi Dosha: Nadi Dosha arises when the Nadi (pulse) of both partners in a prospective marriage is the same. It is believed that this dosha can create health-related issues in the couple's progeny or offspring.

Bhakoot Dosha: Bhakoot Dosha occurs when the Moon signs that both partners in a prospective marriage are in a certain challenging relationship. This dosha can indicate potential conflicts and disharmony between the couple. 

Shani Dosha (Saturn Dosha): sade sati Shani Dosha can delay or create obstacles in marriage, leading to challenges or hardships in the marital journey. These are a few types of dosha in kundli affecting marriage negatively. 

Resource: https://anuradhanakshatra.blogspot.com/2023/07/how-kundli-dosha-can-affect-marriage.html

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