Nano-flow cytometry is a revolutionary technology that has the potential to transform early disease detection and diagnosis. Nano-flow cytometers are able to detect and analyze individual nanoparticles, including extracellular vesicles and viruses, with high sensitivity and accuracy. This makes them ideal for detecting diseases at their earliest stages, when they are most treatable.
How does nano-flow cytometry work?
In nano-flow cytometry (nfCM), a sample of cells or other particles is passed through a laser beam. A number of photodetectors detect the light that is scattered off of the particles by the laser beam. A histogram of the particle sizes and light scattering characteristics is produced using the photodetectors' data.
What can nano-flow cytometry detect?
What are the benefits of nano-flow cytometry?
How is nano-flow cytometry being used to improve early disease detection?
The future of nano-flow cytometry
A technology with a promising future, nanoflow cytometry is currently in rapid development. The use of nano-flow cytometers in research and clinical settings is likely to increase as they become more accessible and affordable.
Early disease detection and diagnosis could be completely changed by nano-flow cytometry. Nano-flow cytometry has the potential to save lives by identifying diseases in the very early stages.