Top 5 Best Assassins in League of Legends Season 12 |
League of Legends is one of the most popular multiplayer online battle arena games in the world, featuring a wide variety of playable champions with unique abilities and playstyles. Among these champions are the assassins, known for their ability to deal massive amounts of damage in a short amount of time and quickly eliminate enemy champions. we will explore the best assassins league of legends and examine their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.
Zed is a high-damage assassin with a unique playstyle revolving around the use of shadows. His abilities allow him to create and use shadows to deceive his enemies and escape danger. Zed's ultimate ability, Death Mark, allows him to teleport to a target enemy champion and deal a large amount of damage. Additionally, Death Mark places a mark on the target that will detonate after a few seconds, dealing even more damage. Zed's kit requires a high skill ceiling to play effectively and is a popular pick in competitive play.
Strengths: Zed has a high burst damage output, making him effective at eliminating squishy targets. His shadows allow him to juke and outplay opponents, making him a difficult champion to catch. Additionally, his ultimate ability allows him to quickly close the gap on enemies and deal massive amounts of damage.
Weaknesses: Zed is a melee champion, which makes him vulnerable to crowd control and poke damage. Additionally, his abilities require him to be in close range to his targets, making him an easy target for enemy champions with long-range abilities.
Akali is a ninja assassin with a lot of mobility and burst damage. Her kit revolves around her shroud ability, which allows her to become invisible and gain movement speed. Akali's ultimate ability, Perfect Execution, allows her to dash to a target enemy champion twice and deal damage with each hit. Additionally, her passive ability, Assassin's Mark, allows her to deal bonus damage to enemies she has recently hit with her abilities. Akali is a popular pick in both solo queue and competitive play due to her high damage output and ability to outplay opponents.
Strengths: Akali has a lot of mobility, making her difficult to catch and allowing her to quickly close the gap on her enemies. Her shroud ability allows her to become invisible, making her a great champion for picking off isolated targets. Additionally, her kit allows her to deal massive amounts of damage in a short amount of time, making her effective at eliminating squishy targets.
Weaknesses: Akali is a melee champion, which makes her vulnerable to crowd control and poke damage. Additionally, her abilities have a high cooldown, which makes her less effective in extended team fights.
Kha'Zix is a bug-like assassin with a lot of mobility and single-target burst damage. His kit revolves around his evolved abilities, which he can choose to upgrade after leveling up his ultimate ability, Void Assault. Kha'Zix's passive ability, Unseen Threat, allows him to deal bonus damage to enemies he has recently hit with his basic attacks or Taste Their Fear ability. Additionally, Kha'Zix's ultimate ability allows him to become invisible and gain movement speed, making him a great champion for ganking and picking off isolated targets.
Strengths: Kha'Zix has a lot of mobility and can quickly close the gap on his enemies. His evolved abilities allow him to adapt his playstyle to the situation and make him more effective at eliminating his targets. Additionally, his passive ability allows him to deal bonus damage to enemies he has recently hit, making him effective at dealing damage in team fights.You can contact our website for more details