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Posted on 06/10/2022 in Category 1

Ways To Implement The "No Contact" Rule in Your Relationships

Many people struggle with breaking the "No Contact" rule in their relationships. It can be difficult to take the leap and end the relationship, and sometimes it feels like the best option is to just tough it out. But is that really the best course of action? In this article, we'll discuss why "No Contact" is important, and provide tips on how to implement it into your relationship.

Why no contact  rule 
Many people believe that breaking up with someone is the best way to solve any issue. However, this may not always be the case. In fact, many experts recommend the "no contact rule " as the best way to fix any problem. Here's why:

1) No Contact Lets The Other Person Know That You're Taking The Time To Fix The Issue Instead Of Ignoring It.
2) It Provides Them With A Clear Path To Return To The Relationship.
3) It Shows That You're Committed To Solving The Problem Rather Than Just Hanging On To The Past.

How to implement  contact rule into your relationship
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to implement a contact rule into your relationship will vary depending on the specifics of your situation. However, some tips on how to go about it include setting specific boundaries on when and with whom you will be communicating, establishing regular communication schedules and sticking to them, and being honest and open with each other about what's going on in your lives. 
Why Not Break The "No Contact" Rule?
 One of the biggest concerns that stop people from breaking the no contact rule is fear. People don't want to lose their partner…and becoming distant will make it even harder for them, as distance leads to feelings like anxiety and depression. These emotions can become overwhelming when left unaddressed, but if you implement a healthy breakup protocol.

Thank you for reading! In this blog, we explored the concept of the "no contact rule". We believe that it is important to respect your boundaries and keep yourself safe, both mentally and physically. No contact means not talking to the person you are involved with, be it a romantic partner or a friend. Thank you for your time.

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