Braces can be an important investment that is best done when the patient is young; ideally approximately 12 to 13 years old, although earlier ages are also viable. As the head and mouth are still growing in these early years, the braces may positively affect the teeth and create a greater impact on the patient’s oral health and the look of their teeth.
Length of Time Concerning the length of time a child should wear braces, it depends on the issue the orthodontist is trying to fix; there are different types of braces and treatment plans, depending on the necessary fixes. Typically, many patients wear braces for around 18-30 months with adjustments being made every four to eight weeks so teeth can be shifted to the proper alignment.
Once the braces are removed, retainers will likely be worn for a few months to two years. Some patients may require a permanent retainer to prevent any further shifting.
Potential Pain? With each adjustment, the interconnecting wire of the braces will be tightened. This may cause some soreness, as the tightening allows the brackets to shift your child’s teeth or jaw into alignment gradually, but this sensation usually does not last long. Sometimes, teeth do need to be extracted to make room for further shifts in alignment; this is common if the child’s mouth is too small.