A method associated with a delegate is never invoked by itself, instead, it is only invoked through the delegate. Sometimes, it can be very cumbersome to create a separate method so...
Data handling in C# is possible with the help of files or by using database technology. ADO.NET is a database technology component of the .NET Framework that is used to connect...
C Sharp (C#) is a programming language designed for building a wide range of applications that run on the .NET Framework. Microsoft introduced C Sharp (C#) as a new programming...
Consider a group of people at a party playing Bingo. When a number is called, the participants check if the number is on their cards whereas the non-participants go about their business,...
C# allows designing a class specifically to be used as a base class by declaring it an abstract class. Such a class can be referred to as an incomplete base class, as it cannot be...
Access modifiers such as public, private, protected, and internal control the accessibility of fields and methods in C#. The public fields are accessible by other classes, but private...