In my opinion blood test is more accurate than a breath test. There are circumstances where a breath test can have erroneously...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 07/13/2023
Colorado considers domestic violence an act or threatened act of violence against a person the accused has an intimate relationship...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 02/01/2023
Generally speaking, the answer is YES. The amount of alcohol classes that you will need to do is dependent if you are a...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 01/03/2023
Whenever drug crimes are mentioned, thoughts of imprisonment and other unpleasant consequences arise. It is likely that...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 11/01/2022
The chances of getting a DUI charge dismissed are very slim. When people come to see us about being represented over a DUI,...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 09/26/2022
With the legalization of medicinal and recreational marijuana use in Colorado, the incidence of DUID charges (Driving Under...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 08/18/2022
There are two kinds of tests that maybe perform for testing for alcohol. The first is a breath test. Colorado uses intoxilyzer...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 07/20/2022
Whatever the case, this can be a stressful and uncomfortable time especially when this state is not your own and you now...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 06/28/2022
Can you get a DUI in a parked car? - DUI Law Firm DenverUnfortunately the answer is Yes. This comes as a big surprise to...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 05/25/2022
When your blood alcohol content is 0.08% or higher, you're considered legally impaired in the U.S. While you are certain...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 03/23/2022
Well, it depends according to Emilio De Simone; one of the best DUI attorneys in Denver. The amount of time that you lose...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 02/21/2022
Facing a license suspension is something everyone wants to avoid. It can be a life changing event not to mention an uncomfortable...
Posted by DUI Law Firm Denver on 02/21/2022