If you are contemplating whether you should go to work after a car accident, there are crucial factors to take into account. One significant consideration is whether a doctor...
Posted on 07/27/2023
One of the first questions after a motor vehicle accident is who was at fault for the accident. Being found at fault for an accident means you’re responsible for the damages....
Posted on 07/06/2023
Marines, their families, and civilian workers that lived and worked at Camp Lejeune during the time period of 1953-1987 may have bathed, drank, cooked, and cleaned with toxic water....
Posted on 05/31/2023
After an injury, there are so many things to think about when it comes to what happens after the injury. Are you able...
Posted by The Jeffcoat Firm Injury & Accident Attorneys on 07/06/2023
For far too many years, Marines, their families, and civilian contractors that worked at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina...
Posted by The Jeffcoat Firm Injury & Accident Attorneys on 06/30/2023